How We Serve

Tend My Flock

Provide community outreach through home repairs and tiny houses for elderly single villagers. We teach youth English with our Free Christian English Academy. This assists them with better jobs or entrance into University.

Feed My Sheep

Teach the Bible from Genesis to Revelation through Oral Tradition over a 3 year period. Students become teachers using the

Orality Institute Program.

How You Can Help

Each week we write and hand deliver over 1,700 devotionals to 13 surrounding villages. We also provide Weekly Family Bible Studies in these same villages using Pastors to teach.

Feed My Lambs
  • Volunteer- You are invited to come and teach summer VBS programs for the local churches.
  • Spend a summer or a year personally working with local Pastors teaching scripture to children through our Kid's Events and the Orality Program or Bible learning with adults.
  • Construction- Older single villagers need safe housing, you can build tiny houses that keep them out of the elements and safe at night.
  • Financial support- Donations to support the young and elderly.


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